Monday, March 26, 2007

Amazing Grace

Went to see Amazing Grace tonight! I'm amazed (literally) at his passion, his perseverence, his focus but most of all i'm amazed and inspired by what a life in God's hands can really become!

"So enormous, so dreadful, so irremediable did the slave trade's wickedness appear that my own mind was completely made up for abolition. Let the consequences be what they would: I from this time determined that I would never rest until I had effected its abolition."
(William Wilberforce)


Monday, March 05, 2007

Parrrrrrrrrrty Time

Its that time of year again!!!

But this time - im getting ALOT OLDER!
But - wohooo so is everyone else!!
Below - Heather's 20th Animal Hybrid Party

I went as a LIBIRD - a lion and a ladybird :)

Tonight - Beths Birthday Party, its also Clair's birthday

Tomorrow Nina's Birthday

Sat - Cherith's Birthday

Mon - Lynda's Birthday

Tues - Jo's Birthday


Friday, March 02, 2007

what to write....

i think they call it.............. writer's block!! its lasted quite a while and .... continues!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

it's been too long.........

Just to let you all know im still alive!
Second year is awesome im loving it except not the work ha ha!
Doing hall group in Murano which is such a blessing - the girls are incredible so passionate about God its inspiring!

Reading - John Piper - When i don't desire God - heavy going, but proving to be worthwhile

Listening to - Foy Vance - watermelon oranges - amazing - 5th DEC GLASVEGAS!!!

Loving the fact that -
* its 3 weeks to Christmas
* Lost's back on (even though i can't see it)
* ER will soooo be back soon
* the autumn rugby internationals are proving to be good banter - Ireland are playing well for once!!
* Having the whole clan down for Christmas - 11 of us!! OH THE BANTER!
anyhoo, see ya soon
aly xx

Monday, July 31, 2006


Divine grace is the free and undeserved love and favor of God towards ME as a sinner, especially as exhibited in the plan of redemption through Jesus Christ, (John 1:17 3:16 Romans 3:24-26.)
It is only by the free grace of god that we embrace the offers of mercy, and appropriate to ourselves the blessings graciously purchased by redeeming blood.

The "GRACE OF GOD," spontaneous, unmerited, self-directed, and almighty, is the source of the whole scheme of redemption, (Romans 11:6 2 Timothy 1:9.)
In Galatians 5:4, "grace" means God’s plan of salvation by his mercy,

Saturday, May 20, 2006


so mac and i are both at the library and if u read macs blog as well as mine u will notice that we are both completely procrastinating at present! I dont want to do my french which is on monday and ailsa doesnt want to do her theology for next tues - yes next tues!! She is a complete GEEK!! She is in the library on a saturday when her exams is over a week away!!!! I on the other hand came to the library to start revising for my exam which is this mon like 2 days away - i should be feeling under pressure by not but alas, no feelings of the sort!

Anyhoo! Ailsa is having a sobsesh about leaving murano - me on the other hand CANNOT WAIT!!! its going to be awesome next year - no longer living in the ghetto and living like 5 mins from uni - roll on the day! Oh and the HOUSEWARMING PARRRRRRRRRTYYYY in our living room in sept! L O V I N G I T!

im offski - to attempt to do more revision before 730pm when the library closes! SOB SESH!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

blogging banter

been getting a bit BORED of blogging lately :( didnt think i was a bandwagon jumper but alas I appear to be! The latest craze though has taken its toll on me! I dont feel motivated or inspired!
So ill just write rubbish from now on :)
My bro / twinnie - last week played in ravenhill - in a cup final - although they did lose, one was very happy to see her twinnie play in such a prestigous place! MEEKEY ROCKING THE MIC!!
Not only does Creasy have officially mad parents i do also - they opened a business called DAC systems DAC for DAVID and CAROLINE!! SAD SAD SAD SAD!
so back to work aka chilling in the library with mac and jo :)