Monday, February 27, 2006


During my DTS prayer was something i really struggled in, yet also something that God really blessed and continues to. As a team we were always having to pray out loud and i absolutely hated it!!!I'm from a church that is great but never really put me in any faith challenging situations - so on DTS they hit me like a ton of bricks. I would have to pray out loud in my small group, my prayer triplet, in lectures, at meal times, in the evening sessions - and on outreach - ALL THE TIME!!! It was soo hard for me that it often drove me to tears!! I just found it sooo daunting and just felt really under pressure! It became a MOUNTAIN! - instead of a molehill!! But those are the times that God teaches us soooo much!!!! The times when you feel like everytime you do it - its a step of faith - a chance to GET OUT OF THE BOAT - a chance to walk on water - eyes fixed on Jesus! And yeah there's times you sink but to know that Jesus is there to pull me out well then isn't that more of a reason to get out there - start stepping out! Jesus - as our 'Saviour' - for all the times we fall or sink - He is there to pick us up or pull us out!! So a challenge START STEPPING OUT!

The more God helped me to conquer my prayer fear - the mightier my prayer became! The more control i gave Him in prayer the more powerfully He worked!

So after challenge number 1 i face another! If i can say prayer is an integral part of my life and my way of communicating to my Father! Then what am i doing about it! Do i pray enough - well NO - but could i spend all day giving my pals the low down on whats happening with me - YES!!
So where does this challenge begin - well with desiring a hunger for prayer, a hunger for engaging with God not only one on one but also in group situations and oh yes OUT LOUD if neccessary!


Saturday, February 25, 2006


At Findlay we're doing a series on spiritual gifts! And it got me thinking about not only spiritual gifts but gifts in general! I started playing the flute when I was like 11, and got taught for about 7 years until i 'gave it up' - but i still continued to play especially during exam time because it relaxes me so much!
But what i could never do - EVER - was play in front of anyone! The only reason I played in the school carol service was because in 1st year i took the music home and learnt it off by heart and i would just spin it out every year! I just cant play in front of people!
Last weekend when i was home i decided to bring my flute over to uni - for a de-stress session, or two!! Then i was thinking about this so called 'gift', and how i put it to use, use for God that is! Well i came to the conclusion i dont! I use it for my own benefit and have never even thought to thank him for giving me the ability to play in the first place!
So this got my thinking....... what can i do to put this gift in use - For Gods Glory!!

Reaching out....

So tonight was the Muslim Christian Dialogue! It was great, I really enjoyed it!!
The thing is that the world we live in has placed a huge gulf between Muslims and Christians and many have accepted the stereotypes which the world has placed upon them! For us to sit side by side tonight and engage in dialogue was awesome and a way of breaking out of the mould that we have been placed in!

And now im back in 'the ghetto', i cant wait to get away from halls! Its weird because there are soooo many people here and yet sometimes it can feel so lonely! Although i have been really blessed this term in that I have got to know people alot better!!
Alot of things are really starting to click here - like church and CU its great!! God has been and continues to be soo good to me!!

Friday, February 24, 2006

The Blogosphere

Well it looks like ive finally given into to the 'latest craze'! It should be good banter - a way i can express myself and whats going on in my wee head! I love looking at peoples blogs - its gives u a little insight into their world, kinda like you step into their shoes for a while!

So this is me! My little world - for people to come and jump into my wee (well not really wee) shoes for a while and see whats going on in my world!

This would have been such a good idea to have had on my GAP year - so that i wouldnt have to have written like 50 emails just to update everyone!!
But i guess i can use it now to tell of my new mission - university! This one strange as it may sound is more daunting to me than a GAP year in India.
People always say "oh i dont know how you did that" etc - well i dont know how people stand outside the QM at like 1 in the morning giving out tea and coffee to the wonderful drunkards at Glasgow - it terrified me!!!

Its weird how God has us uniquely made - unique gifts etc but then that doesnt rule out my role here - just because i am finding it hard to slot in with the whole uni mission doesnt mean my gifts cant be put to use here - i just have to go looking!!

Anyway enough blabbing!Need to go and bake a cake with Ailsa